Research Databases
Business Source PremierThe industry's most used business research database provides full text for more than 8,800 serials. Find full text back to 1965 and searchable cited references to 1998. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. Updated daily via EBSCOhost. |
Data Axle Reference SolutionsProvides information for 11 million U.S. businesses and 120 million U.S. households. Search for businesses by SIC code, sales volume, number of employees and more. Search for residence directory information by name, location or phone number. Video Overview. |
Gale Legal FormsView a wide selection of state-specific (and multi-state) legal forms across the most popular legal areas. Includes real estate contracts, wills, pre-marital agreements, bankruptcy, divorce, landlord-tenant law, and many others. Includes a comprehensive attorney by state directory and a dictionary of legal definitions explained in laymen's language. Video Overview. |
MorningstarProvides data on approximately 330,000 investment offerings, including stocks, mutual funds, and similar vehicles, along with real-time global market data on more than 5 million equities, indexes, futures, options, commodities, and precious metals, in addition to foreign exchange and Treasury markets. Video Overview. Only available when using computers in MCDL locations or via MCDL Wi-Fi. |
Regional Business NewsAccess comprehensive, full-text coverage of regional business publications. Includes coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. Updated daily. |
Small Business SourceOffers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. Includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans. |
Standard & Poor's Global NetAdvantageGain insight into industry and company analysis and investment rankings including Equity Research (formerly Stock Reports) and the Outlook investment newsletter. Stock price history charts and executive bios also provided. Screening tools to find companies and create lists from a global universe of more than 3 million private companies and 250,000 public companies. |