Tabletop RPG One Shot: Trashkin

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01/04/25 @ 1:30pm -
01/04/25 @ 3:30pm

Conference Room (1907 Room)


Registration is required.
Registration starts: 11/15/2024 @ 10:00am

Registration end: 01/04/2025 @ 1:30pm

<p>Curious about Tabletop RPGs? Looking to try something other than standard D&amp;D? Come try out a new system in these self-contained sample sessions.</p><p>Trashkin is an indie style of game known as a one-page RPG (meaning that all the rules of the game fit on one page of paper). In this game, players will take on the roll of "Trashkin", fantasy heroes that also happen to be racoons, possums, and other trash-residing creatures.</p>

End date