Tabletop RPG One Shot: Samurai Goths of the Apocalypse

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02/01/25 @ 1:30pm -
02/01/25 @ 3:30pm

Conference Room (1907 Room)


Registration is required.
Registration starts: 11/15/2024 @ 10:00am

Registration end: 02/08/2025 @ 1:30pm

<p>Curious about Tabletop RPGs? Looking to try something other than standard D&amp;D? Come try out a new system in these self-contained sample sessions.</p><p>Samurai Goths of the Apocalypse is a rules-lite rpg system that is exactly what it sounds like: samuarai goths fighting to survive an apocalypse by a corruption known as "The Gloom".</p>

End date