<img src="https://medinacounty.librarycalendar.com/sites/default/files/2024-04/Hi…; />
02/01/25 @ 2:00pm -
02/01/25 @ 3:00pm
Community Room A
Registration is required.
Registration starts: 11/15/2024 @ 10:00am
Registration end: 02/01/2025 @ 1:00pm
<p>Wouldn’t you like to leave clear instructions for your family and friends on how to save your accumulated family history? You have spent thousands of hours organizing, digitizing, searching, compiling, and archiving your family story. Don’t let that effort be lost! Come to this class and leave with the beginnings of a preservation plan. Presented by Kelli Bergheimer. Sponsored by Medina County Genealogical Society. Meets on Zoom. Optional viewing at Medina Library. </p>