Fall Foliage Tour

  Dates & times
  • Sat, 10/09/2021 - 12:00pm
  Age Groups Children & Families, All Ages, Adult


Highland library will be a stop on the Medina county fall foliage tour. A drive it yourself tour of agricultural, educational and historical stops. 
Special events:
Shop the Friends of the library book sale.
Visit with Freddy the Frog, and view the Barns of Granger Art show and Quilts by the Honeybee Quilters.
Enjoy crafts for kids, outdoor games, and experience face painting from EnchantaRoo face and body art from 1-4.

For complete Fall Foliage Tour details and map -https://www.medinacountyparks.com/images/FFT_Map_-_FINAL.pdf