Early Literacy Resources
Reach Out and Read is a nonprofit organization that promotes early literacy and school readiness. Book suggestions, literacy milestones, and other useful information can be found on their website.
Zero to Three is a nonprofit organization that offers training and support to anyone who interacts with infants and toddlers. The site offers development charts, tips and tools about child development, and information on school readiness planning.
Get Ready to Read! is a great source for parents and educators who are interested in developing early literacy skills in the years leading up to Kindergarten.
Reading Rockets is a national literacy initiative that offers resources on how kids learn to read, why many struggle, and how adult interactions can help. Free videos, articles, and useful guides are available.
Read To Your Baby offers great tips and practical suggestions on how your baby will benefit from you reading and talking.
Ohio Ready to Read: Preparing your child for Kindergarten can't start too early. Take a look at what the state of Ohio expects for testing.
Saroj Ghosting, Author and Early Childhood Literacy Trainer, offers some great tips and helpful hints on her website: www.earlylit.net/
Colorado Libraries for Early Literacy is passionately committed to strengthening children’s literacy through library services and community advocacy. Every child deserves the joy of reading and the life skills that literacy brings.