Dips and dressing and gameday snacks
Loneliness and the benefit of joining clubs
Learn about Cleveland's Prohibition era mob bosses

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VIRTUAL -- Zoo School with Akron Zoo

  Dates & times
  • Sat, 01/09/2021 - 10:30am
  Age Groups


Where in the World? - Explore the different places animals call home, from the desert to the rainforest!

Children of all ages are welcome to attend. 

The Zoom link will be emailed to all registered participants before the event. You must have the link to access the event. 

VIRTUAL - Book Discussion

  Dates & times
  • Mon, 01/11/2021 - 2:00pm
  Age Groups


Join us on Zoom to discuss Defending Jacob by William Landay.

The Zoom link will be emailed to all registered participants before the event. You must have the link to access the event. 

VIRTUAL -- Author Visit with Amy Stewart

  Dates & times
  • Wed, 01/13/2021 - 6:30pm
  Age Groups


Amy Stewart is the New York Times best-selling author of the Kopp Sisters novels, which are based on the true story of one of America's first female deputy sheriffs and her two rambunctious sisters.

VIRTUAL -- How to Write a Book Blurb

  Dates & times
  • Thu, 01/14/2021 - 6:30pm
  Age Groups


An enticing book description not only hooks readers, it can help keep your story on track while you're writing. Explore several formulas for teasing out the essence of your story in just a few sentences.

This Writers Series event is held via Zoom. Zoom link sent upon registration to the email provided. You must have the link to access the event. 

VIRTUAL -- Zoo School with Akron Zoo

  Dates & times
  • Tue, 01/19/2021 - 6:30pm
  Age Groups


Build a Better World - Join the Akron Zoo in learning about why animals are becoming endangered, both worldwide and in our backyards, and what we can do to help them.

The Zoom link will be emailed to all registered participants before the event. You must have the link to access the event. 

VIRTUAL - Book Discussion

  Dates & times
  • Thu, 01/21/2021 - 6:30pm
  Age Groups


Join us on Zoom to discuss Save Me the Plums by Ruth Reichl.

The Zoom link will be emailed to all registered participants before the event. You must have the link to access the event. 

VIRTUAL - Book Discussion

  Dates & times
  • Thu, 02/18/2021 - 6:30pm
  Age Groups


Join us on Zoom to discuss The

VIRTUAL -- Bullet Journaling

  Dates & times
  • Tue, 01/26/2021 - 6:30pm
  Age Groups


An introduction to bullet journaling to start your new year right. Discover a relaxing, fun, creative and customized way to record and organize what is important to YOU. 

Zoom link sent upon registration to the email provided. You must have the link to access the event. 

VIRTUAL -- Teen Writers Workshop

  Dates & times
  • Tue, 01/26/2021 - 6:00pm
  Age Groups


Love to write? Get fresh inspiration and share your work with other teen writers during this 2-day workshop.

This event is intended for students in grades 6-12. 

Zoom link sent upon registration to the email provided. You must have the link to access the event.