FamilySearch Affiliate Library
Search for your relatives in records from around the world. Access 135 million restricted records by using FamilySearch at any MCDL location.
Search for your relatives in records from around the world. Access 135 million restricted records by using FamilySearch at any MCDL location.
This index covers obituaries, death notices, and probate notices from the Medina County Gazette and the Medina County Sentinel. It also includes obituaries and other resources indexed by more than 60 partner libraries across Ohio.
Ohio Legal Help provides plain language legal help information, interactive self-help tools and connections to local legal and community resources that can help people resolve their legal issues.
Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print and more. Video Overview.
Selected full-text of 19th and 20th century local newspapers from the United States, with additional coverage of local newspapers from Canada, England, Ireland and Northern Ireland. Sign in with your MCDL library card number.
Features collections of 20th century African-American, American and English poetry, as well as many of Shakespeare's works and early American fiction.
The Cochrane Library is a collection of databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook offers information on hundreds of occupations that provide most of jobs in the United States. Each occupational profile describes the typical duties, the work environment and median pay of that occupation, the education and training needed to enter the occupation, and the job outlook over the coming decade for that occupation.
Search and browse Medina County newspapers and company newsletters from 1830 to 1977. Save and print articles for your personal family and local history research. Free; no sign in required.