
Wonderland Winter Sat., Dec. 7, 4:00 - 7:00 pm Lodi Village Square Kick off your holiday season with a visit from Santa, reindeer from Spring Mist Farms, horse-drawn wagon rides, face painting, crafts, and plenty of treats! Held in conjunction with Lodi Village, Lodi Harrisville Historical Society, and Lodi Railroad Museum. mcdl.info/WinterWonderland Lodi Library’s action aRT in Sat., Feb. 15, 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Medina Library Leave your winter blahs outside and experience inspiring works of art inside. Talk with local artists, learn their techniques, and create some art. mcdl.info/ArtInAction mcdl.info/OnlineLearning Online Learning Visit the Bookmobile Pick up a current schedule and events listing at any MCDL location or visit mcdl.info/Bookmobile Entries accepted Feb. 1-28 Winners from each age category will be published in miniature books, available at all MCDL locations during National Library Week (April 6-12). Entry Guidelines Enter your original poems (30 lines or fewer) or art (3" square, if emailed: jpg/png file, at least 300 ppi) at any MCDL location or email to poetryproject@mcdl.info. Please Include Title of work, your name, phone or email, and age category (12 & under, 13-17, 18 & up) mcdl.info/Readers 8 poetry project the MCDL’s Online Learning collection puts new skills at your fingertips ABCmouse is an award-winning learning program designed to prepare children for kindergarten and beyond. Creativebug offers video workshops featuring arts and crafts techniques. Mango Languages teaches practical conversation skills for a wide variety of popular languages.