Summer Reading Wrap Medina County District Library’s Summer Reading game was full of outdoor fun in 2024. The camping theme created learning and entertainment opportunities for nearly 6,600 kids who registered to play and 3,695 who completed the game and earned a new book of their choice to keep. Nearly 1,200 children enjoyed the game so much they played a second round! Teens read more than one million minutes, which is almost two years’ worth of 24/7 reading! Nearly 1,400 teens played the game with just under 1,000 completing it. Those who read 1,200 minutes or more qualified for numerous grand prize packages featuring art supplies, a LEGO set, a drone, room decor, and more. 4 MCDL News & Notes More Storytimes in 2025 Starting in January, MCDL will host storytimes for 31 out of 52 weeks each year. That means six additional weeks of storytimes filled with more words, rhymes, and letter recognition to help children develop literacy skills. Storytimes are presented in a vibrant, engaging way by our talented staff who love to add bubbles, music, scarves and crafts so kids don’t even realize they are learning; because learning is so much fun at the library! See page 9 for the schedule and registration or go to Pictured: Storytime cuddles with Brunswick Associate Nancy Dalton and Baby Storytime attendee Evie. New CLEVNET Catalog & App By now you may have noticed the new look and features of the CLEVNET catalog. The new platform supports a more user-friendly, modern browsing experience. It maintains all the features you loved from the former catalog, with many new features you are sure to enjoy. Patrons can create lists and save their favorite books, record reading history, quickly browse all the books in a series and get reading recommendations, read-alikes and reviews all in the catalog. If you haven’t tried it yet visit A new CLEVNET Libraries app debuted with the catalog. Previous CLEVNET apps are no longer available in the app store. Please download the new one and delete the old app from your devices. The former CLEVNET app will cease working at the end of 2024.