
get a passport at MCDL

Passport and Passport Photo service is available by appointment at Medina, Brunswick and Lodi Libraries.  The last appointment of the day is scheduled two hours before closing.

Go to for library locations, phone numbers, and open hours before calling to schedule.
Please have passport forms filled out in advance in black pen and necessary paperwork in hand upon arrival.
Passport application forms may be picked up at the select libraries or printed from the National Passport Information Center.

Library Hours
Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Friday and Saturday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday: (Medina and Brunswick only) 1:00 - 5:00 pm mid-September through mid-May

Medina Library - 330-725-0588
Brunswick Library - 330-273-4150
Lodi Library - 330-948-1885


Apply for a Passport

If this is your first passport, you will need to apply in person. If you are renewing an expired adult passport issued within the last 15 years, you may apply by mail.

When applying for a passport in person, you need to submit:

  • A completed application for passport (available at the library and other passport application agencies)
    • To save time, complete the application online, print, bring to library.
    • Do not sign this application before visiting the library or other agency.
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship which may be a previous U.S. passport, certified birth certificate, Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization. No photocopies will be accepted. Documents will be returned with your issued passport. If you do not have a certified copy of your birth certificate, contact the agency which holds your birth record. Other records that may be submitted for consideration are baptismal certificates, early census records, family bible records, newspaper files regarding the birth, and affidavits from relatives or medical personnel who attended the birth. Full information on documents for proof of citizenship is posted on the Department of State passport page.
  • Current proof of identity which may be established with a previous U.S. passport or a current valid driver’s license, military I.D. card, or State I.D. card. Full information on proof of identity is posted on the Department of State passport page.
  • One passport photo.


Passport Fees

Two passport payments are required for a new passport. 

Passport Fee, payable by check, money order or bank draft to 
U.S. Department of State
$130.00 for an adult passport, valid for 10 years 
$100.00 for a child’s (under 16) passport, valid for 5 years 

Optional Services 
$60 Expedite fee (Payable to U.S. Department of State)  
$27.20 Overnight Mailing (Approx. cost, varies seasonally, payable to MCDL)
$21.36 1-2 Day Return Service (Approx. cost, varies seasonally, payable to U.S. Department of State)
Please note: There are currently varying wait times for passport processing.
Applicants may want to factor additional expenses such as expediting and overnight mailing into cost.

Execution Fee, payable by cash, credit card, check, or money order to Medina County District Library 
$35.00 execution fee for each new passport.
By law, the execution fee is non-refundable (22 CFR 51.65). 
Please verify your social security number before you come in; you do not need to bring in your social security card. 
The U.S. Department of State has the sole responsibility for examining applications and issuing passports. 
Complete Passport Service Pricing 


Passport Cards

Travelers can also apply for a Passport Card. The Passport Card can only be used for land and sea travel between the United States and Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. 

Adult Passport Cards cost $30.00.  
Children’s cards are $15.00.  
A $35.00 execution fee will be made payable to Medina County District Library. 
Information about applying for the new Passport Card is available on the U.S. Department of State website. 


Renewing Your Current Passport

You can renew your Passport by mail if all these conditions apply to your current U.S. Passport:

  • it is undamaged and can be submitted with your application
  • it was issued when you were age 16 or older
  • it was issued within the last 15 years
  • it was issued in your current name (or your name change legal document is mailed in with your application)

The Passport Renewal Form DS-82 is available online and at Passport Centers, so you can complete the mail-in renewal process yourself without going to a passport center, though our libraries do have the renewal form [DS-82] available for your convenience. No execution fee is required for a renewal application. The library cannot mail renewal applications on your behalf. Additional information about Passport Renewals. If any of the renewal conditions shown above are not met, you must follow the instructions for applying for the first time, in person. 


Passport Photo

MCDL is currently providing passport photos for $15.00 or applicants may provide their own. The following information may be useful to applicants bringing in their own photos. One passport photo is required.

It must be:

  • whole-face view taken within the last 6 months.
  • 2" × 2" in size
  • against a light background
  • No hats or head-covering should be worn
  • No glasses or face coverings

Vending machine photos are not acceptable. More details on Photo Requirements are located on the U.S. Department of State website.  The following locations are providing passport photos in Medina County: AAA, CVS, UPS Store, Walgreens, Walmart.  Fees vary by location. 


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